360inControl® - Blog | Heike Klaus/7. Dezember 2023/Governance Risk & Compliance, Risiko-Management
All assets are inventoried
What you read about «Zero Trust» is that it is a model or framework based on the decision to deny all access by default. Each access of users, services, applications, etc., is granted on a conscious decision and restricted as much as possible. What most experts forget to mention is that regular review/reapproval is crucial to the success of the concept. Simple to understand, maybe not so simple to implement.
CLRM assumes that you can lose any business-relevant asset (tangible and non-tangible) at any time to the full extent. The benefit of this Risk Management approach is that you cover Business Continuity preparation in the same thought. Also, a simple concept, right?
The Subject Matter Experts are the main difficulty in implementing this concept. They will give you thousands of reasons why it’s not that easy, and so far, everything has always worked out.
If the EU countries had acted according to the CLRM, they would have been better prepared for the loss of Russian gas. CLRM would have asked before signing the contract and in regular intervals: „what happens if this supplier does not deliver tomorrow? How to minimize my loss? In the finance sector, this is known as «hedging».